Certified Sustainability Statement

Tired of competing with Greenwash? Unsure who to trust?



What is the Certified Sustainability Statement

The ADISA Certified Sustainability Statement (CSS) is the verification of a sustainability claim made by a supply chain company via independent audit process.

As a certification body ADISA is acutely aware of the need to ensure that activity stated by a company is actually what they do and can be supported by evidence to confirm that. Where verifying sustainability credentials in the supply chain this approach is crucial as we have seen "green" or "circular" claims becoming common place in marketing material. The CSS is a simple scheme where a supplier will present a claim to ADISA regarding the sustainability credentials of all or part of the service they offer.  The claim must meet the SMART goals and be able to be verified completely during the audit process which results in a Sustainability Statement being made about the supplier which is Certified by ADISA as being true.

The five stages which are following in order for a company to have their sustainability claims assessed

  • Claim made, reviewed and discussed with ADISA and ultimately accepted as passing the SMART goals.
  • Engagement Document written and proposal presented to applicant. 
  • Audit plan executed by ADISA with a request for submission of documents which support the claim made. 
  • Where appropriate, a site audit is carried out to substantiate evidence of the claim made. 
  • Report creation and a Certified Sustainability Statement is made by ADISA. This may support the original claim or may support an amended by verified version of the claim.

Certified Sustainability Statement Certificate

At the end of the audit process, ADISA will product a statement about the company's sustainability credentials which will be based on the claim made. By having your claims verified you will be able to evidence to your customers that you ARE making demonstrable changes to how your organisation impacts on the environment.

Pricing starts at £600 + VAT but will be confirmed when the audit plan is written. Fees become due when claims is accepted.