Guidance Notes for Standard 8.0
These documents are designed to help provide guidance on obtaining and maintaining ICT Asset Recovery Standard 8.0 certification.

ADISA Certification criteria – schedule of changes.
A record of changes to the standard.

AGN1 – Moving Facility v1.0.
Maintaining compliance with the standard during the transition from old site to new.

AGN2 – Growth by acquisition or adding a new facility v1.0.
“Group Certifications” ensure that the certification is offered across all sites consistently.

AGN3 – Operating as a subsidiary v1.0.
UK GDPR complexities regarding compliance when an ITAD operates as a fully owned subsidiary.

AGN4 – Dealing with non-conformances with DIAL v1.0.
How to deal with a DIAL non-conformance.

ADISA Guidance Notes – Operating as or Using a Sub Processor.
Section 2 Module 9 criterion 2.9-2.10

ADISA Guidance Notes – Definition of the word prior when carrying out site surveys
Section 3 Module 2 criterion 3.2.6
Section 3 Module 5 criterion 3.5.8 , 3.5.9 , 3.5.10