View the schedule of speaker sessions and events at this year's ADISA Conference

17th October 2024. The Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London
The ADISA Conference features dual conference streams, making it Europe’s foremost product lifecycle conference



08:30 - 09:00Registration
09:00 -09:05Steve MellingsWelcomeWelcomeWelcome information and an opportunity to explore the event and exhibitors.
09:05 - 09:35Callum Snell & Kier SheehanRemarketingUnderstanding about the Kitemark for refurbished hardwareDiscover the value of the Kitemark: Leveraging the mark of quality, safety, innovation, and trust within your commercial sales value propositions.
09:35 - 09:45Exhibition and Networking10 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
09:45 - 10:15Rich KennyRemarketingUnderstanding the IT lifecycle - when does product life extension make the most sense?Rich shares recent research and results on re-use, refurbishment and remanufacture through multiple lenses - performance, cost and environmental impact.
10:15 - 11:00Exhibition and Networking45 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
11:00 - 11:25Sarah CarrGovernanceUnderstanding GDPR Certification SchemesAs head of certification at the ICO, Sarah explains what UK GDPR certification schemes are, their role in demonstrating accountability and compliance with UK data protection law, the role of the ICO in the approvals process, and the benefits to organisations of certifying their data processing.
11:25 - 11:30Exhibition and Networking5 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
11:30 - 11:45Steve MellingsGovernanceOperating a GDPR Certification SchemeADISA is the only UK company which is both a GDPR Scheme Owner and a GDPR Certification Body. This short presentation outlines our experiance and the benefits these schemes can have for organisations.
11:45 - 12:15Alastair HunterGovernanceThe Role of Accreditation in Securing Trust in the Digital AgeIn the digital era, where technology pervades every facet of our lives, accreditation plays a crucial role in establishing public trust. Specifically, national accreditation bodies like UKAS serve as fundamental pillars in ensuring reliability, security, and integrity within the digital landscape. During this session, participants will explore the significance of accreditation in enhancing the credibility of digital services and products.
12:15 - 13:30Exhibition and NetworkingLunchExhibition and Networking
13:30 - 14:00JonMichael HandsDataData Sanitization Enabling the Circular Economy for Storage - Standard IEEE 2883:2023A new standard for media sanitization was introduced in 2022 - Standard IEEE 2883. The Circular Drive Initiative (CDI), launched in 2022, is a collaboration among global leaders in digital storage, data centres, sustainability, and blockchain. Its mission is to reduce e-waste by promoting and enabling the secure reuse of storage hardware.
14:00 - 14:05Exhibition and Networking5 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
14:05 - 14:30Fredrik ForslundSustainabilityHow to report on Scope 3 emission when disposing of AssetsThe ability to report on how the product lifecycle is extended can be hugely beneficial for organisations when reporting their own Scope 3. Hear how this has been successfully (and credibly) done.
14:30 - 15:00Exhibition and Networking30 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
15:00 - 15:30Deborah AndrewsSustainabilityRubbish in, rubbish out? The importance of Eco-DesignThe need to design ourselves a better future is essential to stop the ever increasing tide of electronic waste. Hear how this is being achieved today and the changes we need to make to benefit us tomorrow.
15:30 - 15:35Exhibition and Networking5 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
15:35 - 16:05Sebastien FarnaudSustainabilityBio-Leaching – Applications of Bioleaching technology for the development of sustainable processes using bacteria to recover previous metals from E-wasteAs critical elements become rarer, urban mining is the promising new source of materials but classic recycling methods are not sustainable. Bioleaching, which uses non-toxic, non-pathogenic microorganisms to solubilise metals, offers a simple, environmentally friendly approach that avoids using toxic chemicals and large amount of energy.
16:05 - 16:10Exhibition and Networking5 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
16:10 - 16:40Panel announcement coming soonSocial ValuePANEL SESSION: Green wash and hog wash – the key tools in the corporate marketing strategy
16:40 - 16:50Steve MellingsClose
16:50 - 18:30Exhibition and NetworkingDrinks Reception DownstairsExhibition and Networking

08:30 - 09:05Windsor StageRegistration
09:05 - 09:35Darrel ArjoonWindsor StageBeyond the Factory Reset: Ensuring Complete Data Erasure in Networking EquipmentFactory resetting networking equipment is often believed to wipe out all configurations and VLAN setups, but this isn’t always true. Some devices retain settings even after a reset due to embedded or persistent storage. These residual configurations may include VLAN settings, IP addresses, and other network-specific data. While this persistence aids device recovery, it poses a security risk by potentially exposing sensitive information.
09:35 - 09:45Windsor Stage10 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
09:45 - 10:15Moderator: Andrew Kroeger
- Mat Jordan from Procurri,
- Craig Smith from ICT Reverse Asset Management Limite
Windsor StagePANEL SESSION: Dealing with the volatility of the 2nd user marketValuing equipment being collected is really challenging due to market changes. This panel explores how to navigate your way through secondary market.
10:15 - 11:00Windsor Stage45 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
11:00 - 11:25Amit MahajanWindsor StageAutomation, Robotics and Future in Reverse LogisticsThis is a journey and we all have just started, Automation and Robotics is expected to be a 135 Billion market by 2030.
AI, Robotics and Automation are the future. You can get started now or catchup later. Those may end up being the only choices !
11:45 - 12:15Moderator: Andrew Kroeger
- Ben Griffin from Asset Lifecycle Services,
- John Spagnolo from IQ Reseller
- Alan Dunkinfield from S2S Electronics Ltd
Windsor StagePANEL SESSION: What makes a modern ITAD ?We all know the cost of processing a Laptop through our systems or shredding a hard drive. We perhaps also know our overall company CO2 emissions. But, do we know the actual carbon emissions of the individual task? Wouldn't it be nice to know the carbon impact of each Hard Drive erased or destroyed to help customers decide which process option to choose based on actual cost and carbon impact? Wouldn't it be nice to know at what point the repair of individual assets has a negative environmental impact? This talk explains the environmental modelling undertaken so far and what could be achieved using an evidence based approach.
12:15 - 13:30Windsor StageLunchExhibition and Networking
13:30 - 14:00Jan HoogstrateWindsor StageNo voice, No Impact. How legislation can support your business?The B2B market has long been left on its own by legislators, contracts and competition should do the job. Today we see some change, driven by sustainability, in legislation and reporting requirements. The tension on the playing field is growing as the battle to continue business growth by the OEM channel is including ITAD as a part of the so called IT aftermarket. A healthy independent market needs to be involved; what's up and what does this mean for the future of your company?
14:00 - 14:05Windsor Stage5 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
14:05 - 14:30Debojyoti BiswasWindsor StageArt of Product Management - in the world of AI/ML and sustainabilityDebojyoti explores a customer-centric approach to product development. By prioritizing user feedback and insights, this technique shapes product vision, features, and improvements, ensuring successful outcomes. Real-life Amazon case studies demonstrate its effectiveness, along with leveraging AI/ML models for sustainable global logistics.
14:30 - 15:00Windsor Stage30 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
15:00 - 15:30Moderator: Jon Godfrey
- Ulf Berglund of Remade in Sweden
- Roberto Tursini of Data Wipe in Italy
Windsor StagePANEL SESSION: Insight into the EU ITAD MarketplaceThe rise and fall of global players, centrally lead partner networks and local agile providers. Mix in a little language, local market demands and regulations together with significant cultural differences. Add to that a little geopolitics and, of course Brexit.
15:35 - 16:05Revealed soon...Windsor StageMaking a real difference in electronic waste - The Closing the Loop Story
16:05 - 16:50Windsor Stage45 Minute BreakExhibition and Networking
16:45 - 17:15Moderator: Roger Gagnon - EPS
Peyman Balali
Namrata Sengupta
Windsor StagePANEL SESSION: The Challenges of Data Sanitisation For ITADs
17:15 - 7:45Moderator: TBC
- Beverly Benham - Tier 1 Asset Management
- Paul Finnis Founder
- Richard Shea
Windsor StagePANEL SESSION: Social value from professional ITADWhat does making universal access to the digital world a human right actually mean in practice and what are the consequences?
17:45 - 18:00Steve MellingsWindsor StageExplaining legacy and current Data Sanitization Standard / GuidelinesWhat are the options for organisations when specifying data sanitsiation services?

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