ADISA Conference 2024

The ADISA Conference is Europe's only ITAD-specific event, hosted in London on the 17th of October, and discussing everything from GDPR and compliance to Eco-Design and the rise of buying refurb. We have a fantastic line-up of industry leaders from within Information Technology, Cyber Security and Information Security whose expertise is second to none.


What to expect at the ADISA Conference 2024


The ADISA Conference 2024 will feature a stellar lineup of industry leaders from IT, Sustainability, and Information Security. Notable speakers include Sebastien Farnaud of Coventry University, Richard Kenny from Interact, Mat Jordan of Procurri, and Jonmichael Hands who introduces the new Data Sanitisation Standard IEEE 2883.




The ADISA Conference presents an unparalleled opportunity for professionals in the industry and enterprise sectors to connect with experts, innovators, and decision-makers. Attendees can expect to engage in meaningful discussions, explore new trends, and discover cutting-edge solutions. The conference’s rich program and diverse exhibitor line-up offer a dynamic platform for forging strategic partnerships, gaining insights, and driving business growth in the rapidly evolving IT landscape.




The ADISA Conference offers a unique platform to showcase your innovations in IT Product Lifecycle Management and Sustainability. Set in the prestigious Queen Elizabeth II Centre in London on October 17th, this event is the leading product lifecycle conference in Europe. You’ll engage with industry leaders, participate in vital discussions, and connect with potential clients and partners. This is an unparalleled opportunity to align your brand with excellence and contribute to shaping the future of sustainable IT practices. Secure your space and be part of a community driving change.