30 Park Place

"30 Park Place is a multi-disciplinary Chambers - based in Cardiff for over 50 Years. It has steadily grown into one of the most significant sets in Wales with members routinely instructed in the most high-profile and complex cases in Wales and beyond. It’s currently membership of 75 barristers includes 8 King’s Counsel."

Certification Number: AAC212

Pass against LOC:23 v12.2

Scope of Certification:
Data Processor

Certification Awarded:
Current certificate:

Version 1

Contact Email:

Contact Telephone:
+44 (0) 029 20 398 421


Implementor Used:

This result is based on an audit carried out by ADISA during the Pilot for LOCS:23. The current status is that UKAS are doing a Scheme Review ahead of auditing ADISA as the certification body to add LOCS:23 to our accreditation scope. As an existing UKAS accredited certification body we have developed the audit process to accordance with existing ISO 17065 certified processes.